A MEASURE proposed to help calm speed on a road described as an ‘accident waiting to happen’ has been ruled out.

Last summer, Warrington Borough Council launched a consultation asking residents if they would like chicanes installed on Gainsborough Road.

The issue of speeding on the route was highlighted again recently in a letter submitted by a Warrington Guardian reader.

They said: “What an absolute joke the volume and speed of traffic on Gainsborough Road is since that new road opened from Slutchers Lane to Chester Road.

“I was given a brand-new works van five weeks ago, and already I have had my wing mirror smashed off twice, which I’ve had to replace myself.

“What is the council doing about it? Nothing. It mentioned traffic-calming methods more than 13 months ago, but nothing has come of it.

“It is ridiculous the speeds vehicles travel, and one day, God forbid, a pedestrian will get hit.

“We have a lot of older folk who cannot walk fast while crossing the road, and they will not stand a chance. Something needs doing now.”

The issues raised were put to the council, with a spokesman stating: “A public consultation took place between June and July 2023.

“This was to obtain residents’ feedback on whether traffic calming chicanes or other transport measures were preferred along Gainsborough Road.

“Following consideration of the consultation results, traffic calming chicanes are not proposed to be implemented due to lack of majority support.

“However, the potential for pedestrian crossing points along Gainsborough Road will be investigated.

“We will also continue to liaise with Cheshire Road Safety Partnership regarding speeding concerns.

“A study will also be undertaken to review the operation of traffic signals at the Gainsborough Road and Chester Road junction.

“A further consultation will be undertaken with residents on the findings later in 2024.”