A CUSTODIAL sentence has been handed down to a speeding motorist who was caught in possession of a knife.

But the courts opted to suspend the sentence given to Nathanial Smith for his actions on the M6 in Warrington.

The 38-year-old appeared before Warrington Magistrates’ Court recently, having pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to driving without due care and attention.

He also admitted charges of speeding and possessing a knife in a public place.

The facts of the case were outlined by Katie Johnson, appearing on behalf of the prosecution, who said all offences occurred on December 29 last year.

Smith was driving a Mini Cooper on the M6 northbound through Warrington.

The court heard how he did so at ‘grossly excessive’ speed that could have posed a danger to other road users.

When stopped by police, it was found that a lock knife was in his pocket.

Summing up the case, deputy district judge Roger Lowe remarked that the severity of the overall offending merited a custodial sentence.

However, it was deemed that he was not a lost cause and is ‘reasonable prospect of rehabilitation’, which paired with his guilty pleas meant he could suspend the sentence.

Smith, of Booth Way in Gloucester, was sentenced to two months in prison suspended for 12 months.

He must also abide by an electronically monitored curfew for 12 weeks and pay a fine of £120, costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85 and a statutory victim surcharge of £154.

An application was approved for the funds to be deducted from his benefits, but he was disqualified from driving for the next six months, with six penalty points added to his licence.