PADGATE Walking Day will be going ahead after a U-turn on a decision to cancel it.

Cllr Sue Emery, who has spearheaded the campaign to change the decision, has confirmed that the historic event will go ahead as planned on June 22.

This follows the previous announcement by organiser Churches Together group that the Walking Day – which has taken place for more than a century – would be postponed to the following year.

This was made due to low numbers of volunteers and organisers, leaving members feeling concerned for the safeguarding of young attendees.

Addressing the news, Cllr Emery said: “The decision was confirmed after a series of meetings, the last being on Saturday morning with myself, Father Heywood, Helen Lennon and Una Gilham.

“The Churches Together group has agreed to hand over the organisation of the walk to Poulton with Fearnhead Parish Council to secure the long-term future of the event.

“There are a few things that I have to put into place to ensure that this happens, but it's very promising.”

Cllr Emery added that Warrington Borough Council has agreed to assist her in this, and more than 90 volunteers have pledged their time to marshal the event.

“Two school have confirmed their attendance at the walk, St Oswald’s and Oakwood, and the other schools will receive invitations this coming week.”

Meanwhile, fellow resident Nathan Hepper, who was also passionate about ensuring the age-old tradition go ahead as planned, has expressed his delight at the news.

Nathan created a Facebook group for the event and posted a poll to see who thought the event should not be cancelled.

The poll attracted more than 2,400 votes, with 95 per cent of residents agreeing the Walking Day should still go ahead.

Speaking on the more recent announcement, Nathan said: “We did it. Thank you to everyone who voted and Cllr Susan Emery.

“Two schools have confirmed and invitations for the other schools will be going out in next couple of days.

“It just goes to show if you make enough noise, people have no choice but to listen.”

More details about the event will be confirmed in due course.