A POTHOLED road surface that has been compared to the terrain you would experience on a ‘safari’ is being considered for repairs.

The Warrington Guardian recently received a letter from a resident after attending a cremation service at Walton Lea Crematorium.

They said: “After the service, I made my way to my car and drove to the road leading out.

“I used the word ‘road’ very lightly – I thought I was on safari. It was pothole after pothole.

“It is alright if you have a 4x4 or a Range Rover, but I only have a Ford Focus.

“It is a disgrace, and something needs to be done.

“I was in the building trade all my working life and I know it would only take a few tonnes of crush and run and it would be job done.”

The issues raised were put to Warrington Borough Council.

A spokesman said: “Over recent years, the number of people attending funeral services at Walton Lea Crematorium has significantly increased.

“To help support this increase in traffic, an additional area was identified to provide 30 extra parking spaces.

“However, due to the location of this area being close to an avenue of trees, the traditional type of surfacing normally used could not be accommodated.

“An alternative method instead was used, to ensure the trees and root systems in this area were protected.

“Unfortunately, due to the high level of use of this extra space, there has been some movement to the surface and backfilling these areas with stone materials is not viable.

“We are currently considering plans to address this issue and ensure the surface can accommodate the level of expected use moving forward, to prevent this problem occurring in the future.”