THE family of a seven-year-old girl who sadly died after being diagnosed with a life-threatening condition have donated a new bench to the school in Warrington she attended.

Since the sad death of their daughter Shannon Bradshaw, Patti and Alan have worked hard to help other families with sick children across the north west.

And after founding the Shannon Bradshaw Trust in 2002, their charity has raised money to provide hundreds of struggling families with support, equipment, services and short break holidays.

Warrington Guardian:
Recently, Patti and Alan donated a new bench to their daughter’s memorial garden situated in the grounds of Sacred Heart Primary School – where Shannon attended as a pupil.

The garden has been transformed with the help of key stage one pupils who have planted flowers, kindly donated by local families, in Shannon’s Garden to make it more ‘bright and welcoming’.

 Shannon was diagnosed with Aplastic Anaemia back in 2002 at Alder Hey Hospital, having just reached her seventh birthday.

She lost her battle to the illness on July 17,2002, just five months short of her first diagnosis.

Warrington Guardian:
Her nephew and nieces have gone on to attend Sacred Heart Primary School too.

A ceremony to commemorate the new bench in Shannon’s Garden was held, with pupils and teachers from the school joining Shannon’s family for the special occasion.

The pupils sang a special song ‘Remember’ in memory of the former pupil.

Speaking on the ceremony, head teacher Colleen Everett said: “Shannon continues to be a very important part of our whole school community and is always remembered with much love and affection.

“The children love to sit in this area, remember Shannon and also enjoy a peaceful, reflective time away from the hustle and bustle of the school day.

“It will be even more special now that they have such a beautiful bench to sit on.

"It was very moving to hear the children sing such a special song to Shannon, I really don’t think that there was a dry eye amongst us all.”