THE Green Party’s parliamentary candidate for Warrington South says it is time for a ‘different approach’ to politics in the town.

Steph Davies will be standing for the party in the General Election on July 4.

She says she is ‘delighted’ to have been chosen to represent the Green Party in Warrington South on July 4.

“I am a longstanding member of Warrington and Halton Green Party and have stood in both local and general elections on many occasions,” she added.

“If elected I look forward to holding the council to account on its climate emergency action plan – without serious investment in climate change initiatives Warrington will experience the effects of increasingly adverse weather conditions, including flooding. Action on the climate should run through all initiatives and policies and be given much more prominence than it currently is given.

“I would also want to give more scrutiny to building developments on greenbelt sites; the housing targets allocated by Government to Warrington and the non greenbelt sites available, as well as the types of property being commissioned, ensuring more affordable housing options are available.

“I would pledge to take stronger action on flytipping and litter offences, in particular looking at measures to ensure private land owners, in particular out of town retail outlets are called to account for discarding litter and waste on their sites.

“It’s time for a different approach to politics in Warrington; a Green MP would bring a much needed fresh approach to delivering equitable and sustainable policies to the benefit of local residents.”