A FACILITY enabling lorries to transition from diesel to 100 per cent renewable fuel has been given the green light.

Plans were submitted to Warrington Borough Council’s planning department for land north of Lockheed Road, close to the M62 at Burtonwood.

The application site is a narrow plot sandwiched in between two large distribution warehouses occupied by Brakes and Evri.

Plans were for the development of Bio-CNG HGV fuelling facility, comprising fuel dispenser islands, plant compound and access.

This has now been granted planning permission by the council.

Planning documents state: “The proposed development comprises installation of a new Bio-CNG gas vehicle fuelling facility to serve haulage, logistics and distribution uses within Omega.

“The station will allow businesses the opportunity to transition from diesel powered trucks to Bio-CNG and benefit from 100 per cent renewable fuel, and its resultant reductions in lifetime cost, CO2, NOx and noise emissions.

“This application proposes the installation of 14 fuel pump islands and a plant compound comprising gas and electricity management plant, bounded by security fencing and landscaping.

In granting permission, the council said: “Determination must be made in accordance with Warrington Local Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

“This application demonstrates that the development proposed, a gas refuelling facility for HGVs, is a low carbon facilitator, enabling fleets of converted HGVs to significantly reduce carbon and air pollutant emissions.

“Low carbon development should be approved if associated impacts are acceptable.

“Subject to conditions, the development, as proposed within this established industrial area and associated impacts, including biodiversity mitigation, are considered to be acceptable.”