A BILL spearheaded by Warrington South MP Andy Carter is set to complete its passage through the House of Commons next month after clearing the latest hurdle on its journey to becoming law last Wednesday.

The Courts (Remote Hearings) Bill, which will address concerns around potentially dangerous individuals being released before appearing in court by expanding the types of cases that can be processed through virtual hearings, passed unanimously through its committee stage with cross-party support.

Although it is not uncommon for backbench MPs to introduce legislation, it is a rarity for most Private Member’s Bills to make it onto the statute book. Having received the backing of the Government and opposition MPs, Mr Carter’s Bill is now likely to become law in the next few months.

Mr Carter said: “Occasionally, Members of Parliament have the opportunity to introduce legislation to deal with issues where they feel the law needs to be changed. On Wednesday, my Courts (Remote Hearings) Bill completed its committee stage and is now on its way back to the House of Commons for third reading after receiving cross-party support.

“My short Bill addresses situations where someone who breaches a restraining order, non-molestation order, gang related violence order or drug dealing order at the weekend and can’t be produced in court within 24 hours (because the local court isn’t sitting) will be produced via video link before a judge, instead of being automatically released after 24 hours.

“It will enhance public safety by ensuring that dangerous individuals are not released for want of finding a court or judiciary out of hours.”

The Bill is now back on its way to the House of Commons with its report stage scheduled in June. It will become law upon receiving Royal Assent, after completing the legislative process through Parliament.