BRITAIN’S ‘most dangerous plant’ has been identified in an area of Warrington.

Giant hogweed has been spotted at Ackers Pit in Stockton Heath.

The plant is an ‘invasive species’ and even just lightly touching its sap can pose a considerable threat to both human and animal health.

Stockton Heath Parish Council warned residents about the growth in a Facebook post, warning them not to touch it.

The post reads: “This is giant hogweed.

“It is an amazing giant plant but it protects itself by producing sap from the hairs on its leaves and stems.

“The sap then reacts with sunlight on the skin and can cause an itchy rash and blistering – to humans.

“So please give it a wide berth.”

The parish council also revealed that a treatment programme is in place which will see the plants sprayed with herbicide when the leaves are larger and provide maximum surface area for the spray to be effective.

The giant hogweed will then collapse and die and the dead plant will be left.

The post continues: “The plant only spreads by seed, so it might be wiped out this year or there may be more seed in the soil.

“If you see it anywhere else on the pit, please let us know.”

You can contact Stockton Heath Parish Council by emailing or calling 01925 210558