A CELEBRITY chef has quashed fears and stresses her Indian restaurant chain is ‘not struggling’ after it reported a pre-tax loss of almost half a million pounds.

Mowgli founder Nisha Katona defended her flourishing business after figures revealed that rising energy bills led to a loss of £476,456 last year.

The successful author and TV presenter vowed to create 300 jobs next year and continue to expand her Indian restaurant chain Mowgli Street Food.

The 52-year-old has already unveiled exciting plans to convert the former Barclays Bank in Knutsford into a street food restaurant.

Warrington Guardian: Mowgli plans to open a new restaurant on the corner of King Street and Malt Street (ImageMowgli plans to open a new restaurant on the corner of King Street and Malt Street (Image (Image: MgMgarchitects)

It is set to open this year along with three other new Mowgli restaurants.

Nisha quit her career as a barrister in 2014 to follow her dream to serve the type of food that Indians cook and serve at home.

Last year, Mowgli sales of £30.9 million were up 15 per cent from £26.8 million in 2022.

The increase was due to the opening of two new restaurants as well as growth at its existing venues, accounts filed at Companies House show.

However, the company reported a pre-tax loss of £476,456 down from a profit of £1.9 million the previous year.

The restaurant chain said it had been hit by the cost of living crisis and higher energy costs.

Warrington Guardian: Nisha Katona has vowed to 'steer Mowgli into gain and growth, diligently, with courage, calculation and conviction'Nisha Katona has vowed to 'steer Mowgli into gain and growth, diligently, with courage, calculation and conviction' (Image: PA/Gareth Morgan)

Nisha, an author and TV presenter, took to social media to share the ‘happy truth’.

In a statement she said: “Good news and growth. It’s not often I lift my head from the working day to respond to the printing of some apocalyptic headlines about Mowgli struggling - BUT - we are NOT- this year thank God we fed a record number of guests.

“I worry that the spinning of stories might put entrepreneurs off the idea of building businesses. So here is the happy truth.

“Thankfully Mowgli is still very much a northern born good news story with Lincoln, Knutsford, Bridgend and Newcastle opening this year.

“Our growth story, with its very normal peaks and troughs, needs to inspire others to be brave enough to build businesses, on shoestrings in their northern home towns and take them national.

“This year we served a record number of guests, including our two millionth chat bomb.

“This year we created more than 250 jobs and in the next year we will create another 300 jobs.

“Last year we donated £400,000 to local and world charities and next year we will dedicate more than £500,000.

“Last year we developed two girls’ schools in India for low income families.

“In the seasons of any growth businesses, gains must always outstrip losses. It’s important to grow and build a business that can be a force for good and enrich lives in the cities it goes to.

“That is why I will always steer Mowgli into gain and growth, diligently, with courage, calculation and conviction.

“For you who have always supported us and not craved for our demise - I thank you! - I will continue to share the story and hope it brings hope at a time when the economic climate needs it.”

Since the end of the year, the company opened four restaurants, bringing the total to 21, now employing 704 people.