A MAJOR national suicide prevention charity based in Warrington is extending its reach of services to the deaf community.

PAPYRUS, head-quartered in the centre of town, was founded in 1997 and has been helping young people around the clock, with a goal of preventing suicide in young people.

And now, the charity’s HOPELINE247 service, which offers professional help to young people who are struggling with life and anyone who is concerned about someone who may be having thoughts of suicide, is now offering support in British Sign Language (BSL).    

The extension to PAPYRUS’ trusted services will help deaf and hard of hearing individuals who often find it difficult to access basic services for their mental health.

Stu Chaplin, chief operating officer at PAPYRUS, said: “We know how difficult it can be to start a conversation around suicide, and especially so for those who, until now, have been unable to access vital suicide prevention services.

“Suicide is the biggest killer of young people in the UK, and through this service, we are removing the barriers for the deaf community to access the life-saving suicide prevention support that they need and deserve.”

It is estimated that there are more than 151,000 deaf people in the UK who use BSL as their preferred means of communication.

Sign Solutions provides on-demand and around-the-clock interpreting, training and translation services, enabling deaf people to communicate more effectively and gain equal access to information, products, services, education and work.

The extension to PAPYRUS’ support services was launched at the start of Deaf Awareness Week.

Stu Chaplin added: “Although a lot of the calls, texts and emails we receive are from young people, our services are also here for anyone of any age who is worried about a child or young person who may be having thoughts of suicide.

“Removing this barrier to effective communication with the Deaf community and increasing accessibility means we will be engaging with more people.

“By working together, across different communities and demographics, we can all help to keep our children and young people safe from suicide.”

You can access the HOPELINE247 BSL-translation service here papyrus-uk.org/hopeline247-british-sign-language-support/