AN illegal immigrant has been jailed for blackmailing a Warrington couple.

Sujan Pun, of HMP Belmarsh, met the wife of the couple in Warrington town centre on May 5, 2022, in the afternoon, and took her back to his flat, Chester Crown Court heard.

She had been visiting a friend and had a lot to drink, and at 9pm she called her husband to say she was on her way home.

About five minutes later, the husband rang back, but the phone was switched off. 

At 11.45pm, he got another call from his wife's number from Pun, who said she had left her phone in his flat, along with her coat, and demanded £50 to return them.

The husband arranged to meet the 29-year-old outside McColl's convenience store on Lovely Lane, now a Morrison's Daily, but Pun rang back in the meantime upping his demand to £80, and then £100.

The wife got home before her husband left for Lovely Lane, but when he arrived at the rendezvous after picking up his sister-in-law to be a witness, Pun did not have the wife’s things.

He was very drunk and carrying an empty gin bottle, and demanded a £20 deposit before he had go back to his flat to get them.

When he returned, the husband claimed Pun had a knife, which he used to threaten him, so he locked himself in his car for safety. Pun denied there was ever a knife.

The couple called the police and directed them to the flat, where they found Pun, the coat, the phone and a knife like the one the husband had described.

He was arrested and gave a no-comment interview, before being charged with two counts of blackmail and one of possessing a knife in public and being remanded in custody.

Warrington Guardian: Sujan Pun was jailed at Chester Crown CourtSujan Pun was jailed at Chester Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

He later admitted blackmailing the couple, but denied having a knife, and appeared at Chester Crown Court for sentencing.

Prosecuting, Ryan Rothwell told the court Pun was out of prison on licence when the offences took place, adding he has 10 conviction for 21 offences, mostly for dishonesty.

The added said Pun is currently serving a 21-month prison sentence for a wounding offence in 2023. 

Pun, who appeared in court without legal representation and was assisted by an interpreter, claimed he did nothing to hurt the woman, but just met her on the street and took her back to his flat to drink.

He said he only asked for £30 for the return of her things, and he did not understand how this amounted to blackmail.

He admitted he is in the UK illegally and would prefer to be deported than spend time in prison.

Passing sentence, judge Patrick Thompson said: “You demanded money with menaces and an altercation ensued, to which the complainants responded by locking themselves in their car.

“These offences are aggravated by your being out on licence, that you were clearly in drink, and your numerous previous convictions, some for serious matters.  

“Guidelines tell us offences of this type should be met with deterrent sentences.”

Judge Thompson sentenced Pun to 27 months in prison, of which he will serve half behind bars before being deported.