A PUB is urging two women to come clean following the theft of flowers in plant pots from the beer garden.

An appeal has been launched by Seven Woods in Westbrook following an incident on Friday.

The Westbrook Crescent venue says the suspects took two new pots and flowers, and says it will pass on photos of them to the police if they do not come forward.

It also says they paid by card and their registration plate was picked up on a camera in the car park.

Posting an appeal on social media, Seven Woods Westbrook said: “This week, our team have been hard at work getting our beer gardens looking the part for you all.

“At 10pm last night, Friday, two lovely ladies who were sat on table four decided to leave taking two of our brand new pots and flowers with them – rude.

“Please return them and we will not pass your images on to the police or publish a pub watch report for bans across the area.

“You also paid by card and our car park is operated on ANPR. Oh, and that chap who picked you up in the Mini, yeah, we have got that bit covered too.”