A DERANGED stalker left more than 100 voicemails on his ex-partner’s phone and harassed her to the point where she feared for her life.

Alan Jenks, of Lander Close, Great Sankey, would consistently message and call his victim as well as turn up at her address unannounced.

His ex-partner rang the police on November 21, 2023, and told an officer ‘he will kill me’ and ‘he has eyes on me’, following a spout of messages she received from Jenks that day.

Nicola Park, prosecuting, told the court how police officers went to the defendant’s address and his phone was seized before him being arrested and released on conditional bail with instructions not to contact the victim.

Not long after that incident, police received further reports that Jenks had been continuing to harass her with calls and messages on an unknown number.

A court heard how the victim received approximately 145 voicemails from December 2023, through to January 24 this year.

In a victim statement read out to the court, she said she feared him because he would tell her that ‘the police and courts would not do anything to stop him’.

She admitted that even hearing his voice was ‘traumatic’ and that his behaviour has led to her not wanting to leave the house for fear she might see him.

She added that Jenks has ‘tried to turn people against her’.

The 51-year-old, with an extensive criminal history of 21 previous convictions from 30 separate offences, appeared before Warrington Magistrates’ Court facing charges of stalking and breaching bail conditions.

Defending Jenks, Mr Rawson said his client has now accepted that the relationship between him and the victim is over.

“If you send him to immediate custody today then we are effectively taking away the progress he has made,” he said.

Chair of the bench, Mr Panaher served the defendant a 16-week sentence, suspended for two years.

He was ordered to carry out up to 35 days of rehabilitation as well as undergoing the Building Better Relationships program.

A restraining order was also issued preventing Jenks from contacting the victim or her place of work in Warrington for two years.