A DEALER has been put behind bars by the courts for his role in the supply of drugs.

Jamell Sheffield was caught in possession of class A illegal substances on the streets of Warrington.

The 26-year-old was subsequently charged with possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and heroin.

He pleaded guilty to both charges before Warrington Magistrates’ Court in December, with the case committed to Liverpool Crown Court for sentence recently.

Sheffield was remanded in custody until this date.

The court heard how the defendant was caught on December 20 in Warrington in possession of quantities of both diamorphine and crack cocaine.

He had them on his person with the intention of supplying the substances to others.

He was haled before the magistrates’’ court the following day, where he admitted his guilt.

Appearing before the crown court, Sheffield, of Sutton Street in Howley, was sentenced to 28 months immediate imprisonment.

On the supply of illegal drugs, a Cheshire Police spokesman previously said: “Illegal drugs have a hugely detrimental impact on our communities.

“We are committed to doing all we can to ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

“We always endeavour to do all we can to combat this kind of behaviour, to make our communities safer places to live and visit, while making it harder for people intent on supplying drugs to operate.

“We will always act on any information about drug-related activity and would urge anyone who believes this activity is happening in their community to report it to Cheshire Police by calling 101 or through our website.”