A MAN has been jailed after headbutting a female police officer in a custody suite and making threats of sexual violence against officers' wives and daughters.

Dylan Munro, from Winsford, crashed into a parked car on Broad Lane, Grappenhall, on June 13 last year after drinking and taking a cocktail of drugs.

The 29-year-old refused officers' requests to get out of the car, and when they tried to breathalyse him, he let fly ‘a slurry of abuse' and spit before being arrested and fitted with a hygienic mouth guard.

He told one officer he knew where he lived before making threats of extreme sexual violence against his wife and daughter.

At the custody suite, he made similar threats of sexual violence and racial slurs against other officers and their families. 

After wrestling his spit guard off, he spat in a female officer’s face several times, headbutting her as he lunged forward, and kicking another in the shins.

The officer's colleagues had to pull his coat over his head to stop him.

Munro appeared before Warrington  Magistrates for sentencing on Thursday, February 22, after admitting three counts of assaulting an emergency worker, two of using threatening behaviour to cause distress, and one of racially motivated threatening behaviour.

Prosecuting, Nicola Parr told the court Munro has 18 convictions for 30 offences, including drug possession, public order offences, and violence, including against emergency workers.

She added the 'slurry of abuse' has caused the officers, who were 'just doing their job', considerable distress. 

Defending, Gabrielle Black described her client as ‘apologetic and remorseful’, adding: “He knows his behaviour was appalling and completely unacceptable.

“But the truth is, he has very little recollection of these events, having consumed multiple substances and alcohol.

“While this is in no way an excuse, it may serve as some kind of explanation for his behaviour."  

Miss Black said Munro has split up with the mum of his youngest child around the time of the incident, and he’d been suffering ‘lots of back and forth’.

This had triggered ‘a downward spiral’, which led him to drink and take drugs daily.

“He’s cut down his drinking a lot since then, and now only uses cannabis,” she added.

She also said while his attack on the officers had been ‘prolonged’ they only suffered minor injuries, and suggested 'to some extent', violence is ‘an occupational hazard in their line of work’, and 'is to be expected’.    

Passing sentence, chairman of the bench, Andrew Brothers, said: “This kind of behaviour is not acceptable by anyone’s standard. The police officers you abused and assaulted were just doing their job.

“We have considered the option of a suspended sentence, but with your poor history, we feel we have no alternative other than immediate custody.”

Munro was sentenced to 18 weeks in prison.

He was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £154, and compensation to two of the officers, totalling £250.