TEN years ago the quiet of an early Saturday morning in Warrington was shattered by a horrifying murder.

A brutal murder was carried out on the A57 close to Rixton.

It saw much-loved granddad Trevor Allen killed in cold blood by HGV driver Mark Slater.

Here is the story of what happened that day and the court case that followed

Loved by all who knew him

Police were called to the A57, close to the junction with the M6, at around 8am on February 15, 2014.

A man's body was on the floor and his red Citroen was by it. Eye-witnesses thought there had been a shooting, so horrific were Mr Allen's injuries.

He was pronounced dead by paramedics at the scene.

In a statement Mr Allen's family, from Manchester, said: "Trevor was an amazing, caring dad, granddad, brother, uncle, son and friend to many.

"His smile and charm made the room light up when he walked in.

"Loved by all who knew him, he is irreplaceable and will be very sadly missed."

Flowers were soon left at the scene.


Flowers were left at the scene

Flowers were left at the scene


Oldham man charged

HGV driver Mark Slater was arrested at the scene and charged with murder two days later.

A week-long murder trial took place in the summer of 2014.

Tears and gasps in court

Chester Crown Court heard Oldham man Mark Slater wielded his 17-tonne truck as a weapon and ploughed into 56-year-old Trevor Allen.

The brutality of the incident on the  A57 in Warrington shocked many as witnesses described Mr Allen's body and head being crushed by the wheels of Slater's vehicle causing multiple injuries and an instantaneous death.

But it was not the first time the experienced HGV driver had lost his temper behind the wheel.

The court was shown footage of the 47-year-old sprinting towards a car in December the year before in Oldham before kicking the front of the vehicle after being in the wrong lane and blocked from joining a queue of traffic.

He was described as 'almost animal-like' during the incident after being followed by motorist Jordan Ogden for around 40 minutes and said his actions getting out of his wagon were borne out of frustration.

Another motorist claimed he was threatened with a Stanley knife on the M62 by Slater and said he was like a 'raging bull' after his lorry had forced the motorist into the near side lane.

He denied having a weapon and also claimed he had been assaulted after the incident in Oldham.

Earlier in the hearing, Slater said events involving Mr Allen began with a Citroen car flashing his lights and beeping his horn before what Slater described as an 'overtaking session'.


Slater was jailed for life

Slater was jailed for life


He told the jury Mr Allen had thrown coins at his car but denied chasing the Citroen at speeds of 54mph and said  instead he was trying to read Mr Allen's registration plate.

Slater said he performed an emergency stop and waved at Mr Allen to 'pack it in' before he was overtaken again and then attempted to pull around Mr Allen's Citroen.

He claimed he only saw the top of Mr Allen's head and did not feel or hear anything as witnesses described Mr Allen standing in front of Slater's HGV before slipping under the wheel.

Slater said he only stopped after sensing something was wrong when two men in a van started waving at him.

The jury also heard an incredibly calm 999 call from Slater describing what had happened.

Ian Unsworth, prosecuting, questioned him how he knew when he had earlier claimed to be unaware he had hit anyone.

Slater told the jury 'it did not take a rocket scientist to realise he had hit him' once he had got out of his truck and one of the witnesses had told him he had killed a man.

He was also quizzed over why he did not go to help Mr Allen but he claimed he was told by a witness to stay back.

Throughout the case, Slater repeatedly denied deliberately hitting Mr Allen and said he had done 'absolutely nothing' that could have incited the incident.

The prosecution called him a 'hot head, bully and a liar' who had 'lost it' while defence said he was not 'an emotional man' and had maintained his account throughout.

There were tears and gasps in court as the jury returned their verdict following a week-long trial.


Trevor Allen was a much-loved granddad

Trevor Allen was a much-loved granddad


The jury decided unanimously to agree with the prosecution to the sound of gasps and cheers from Mr Allen's family.

The court also heard how Mr Ogden had charges of assault against Slater dropped after he went to his home that same day with his brother and a friends and there was an altercation with him.

And the court also heard from Michael McMahon who said Slater had tried to run his car off the road on January 25, 2013 at the Rainhill junction of the M62.

He stopped the Toyota Rav4 he was driving which had been damaged in the collision and Slater stopped behind him in his lorry.

Mr McMahon added: "I got out of my vehicle to ask for details, he produced a Stanley knife at the window saying 'if you come near me I'll kill you, I'll slit your throat'.

"He was red like a raging bull."

He added Slater called the police after he had been called in to say he was being threatened but was mouthing still to him he was going to kill him.

The court heard telephone calls from Slater he made to police at the time and one Mr McMahon made 15 minutes later.

The judge jailed Slater for life but with a minimum of 15 years.