A FEARNHEAD woman looking to ‘break the taboo’ around epilepsy has taken on a challenge to raise awareness of the condition.

This month, Jo McClure, who is a safeguarding coordinator at Walton Lea Partnership, has taken on the 50 Miles in February for Epilepsy Action challenge.

As well as raising awareness of epilepsy, Jo is also hoping to raise vital funds to ensure that other people receive the same support that she has.

She is also aiming to ‘make difference conditions a norm’.

Jo started the challenge off earlier this month and was joined by learners from Walton Lea Partnership.

Warrington Guardian:

After completing her first walk with the learners around Walton Hall and Gardens, Jo said: “After today, the love and support, I simply can't put into words. 

“We always teach that ‘it's ok to be different’ and that was a testament to everyone that the hard work has paid off. 

“Today will stay with me for a very long time if not forever.

“I have a simple life motto - accept, adapt, achieve. 

“Our learners  ‘accepted’ that I was simply just me, they easily ‘adapted’ to ensure I ‘achieved’ an amazing start to my challenge.”