A STALKER from Cheshire is the focus of a new Netflix documentary.

In 2022, Matthew James Hardy was sentenced to nine years in prison for five counts of stalking, the longest custodial term in British history for online stalking.

Now, that story will be brought to life in a new documentary, Can I Tell You A Secret?, coming to Netflix on Wednesday, February 21.

Between 2016 and 2021, Hardy created fake social media profiles as he tried to befriend his victims, mostly successful young women, before spreading lies about them to create rifts amongst their friends and family.

On one occasion he pretended to be a small business owner and on another spread false rumours about a woman having sexual relationships with her father-in-law.

Judge Everett said Hardy had an 'innate criminality', highlighted by his 'sophisticated' form of harassment.

“Over a period of five or years, you conducted a campaign principally against young women who I am sure you researched on social media,” he said.

“They had done nothing to harm you – most, if not all, did not know who you were.

“You chose them at random and they had to pay for it with sheer misery.

“You sat there in your room, wherever you were, and you deliberately sent these spiteful messages.

“It’s difficult to imagine the fear and shock and worry that you caused to your victims and their families.”

Warrington Guardian: The documentary will tell the story through the words of Hardy's victims and the policeThe documentary will tell the story through the words of Hardy's victims and the police (Image: Netflix)

Following the sentencing on January 26, 2022, PC Kevin Anderson from Northwich Local Policing Unit, said: “Having led on this case for more than 18 months I have seen the emotional distress and turmoil that Hardy has inflicted on his victims – he did all of this while hiding behind his computer screen.”

Can I Tell You A Secret? will tell this story through the words of the women he targeted and the police charged with bringing him to justice.

Part one of the mini-series will relive the impact of Hardy’s actions, with the second episode focusing on the evidence that eventually led authorities to his home in Forest Place, Northwich.

Warrington Guardian: Can I Tell You A Secret? arrives on Netflix at 8am on February 21Can I Tell You A Secret? arrives on Netflix at 8am on February 21 (Image: Netflix)