A VICTIM of child sexual abuse is taking on a sky dive to raise money for a charity that helps to support fellow survivors.

Sarah Sutton, 26, from Winwick, is preparing to complete the terrifying plunge out of plane above Lancaster airfield this summer as a fundraiser in honour of charity One in Four.

The mum-of-two grew up in Salford and spoke of her own devastating experience of being abused when she was just five years old.

“When I was five, I was sexually abused by a neighbour/family friend,” Sarah said. “When I told my mum, she took me to the police who said it was my word against his as there was no evidence, so they would ‘speak to him’ but that was it.

“I was left with him as my neighbour until I was 16 - when he finally died.

“When I started high school, he would stand outside my gate, waiting to say awful things to me as I walked home from school. It wasn’t until I started therapy in my 20s that I was finally able to contemplate what had happened to me.”

Sarah’s chosen charity supports survivors of child sexual abuse as well as those who have experienced childhood violence.

“They not only provide counselling for survivors, but they support those who wish to take it through the criminal justice system and also deliver professional training for counsellors, social workers and other mental health professionals,” she explained.

“People should support this charity as it’s not something that is talked about enough. It’s an uncomfortable thing to discuss, so charities like this can sometimes go under the radar.”

As well as bravely speaking up and supporting charities like One in Four, Sarah is also studying criminology and psychology at open university with the hope of working in the youth sector in the near future.

The sky dive will take place on May 19 and Sarah confessed she has never done anything like it before.

“I’m nervous, but I feel like not only will I be raising money for an amazing cause, but when I jump, I feel like I’ll also finally be releasing the years of baggage I’ve held onto from my own abuse.”

To donate to Sarah’s funding page click the link here.