WARRINGTON Borough Council is planning a war on those who fly-tip and litter in town.

Fines for the two offences will more than double if councillors agree to plans.

Under the scheme, litter penalties will increase from £100 to £250.

Fines for fly-tippers will go up from £400 to £1,000.

There will be half price discounts for those who pay within 10 days.

A report to councillors says: "While significant penalties exist for offenders found guilty of fly-tipping offences, the sanctions imposed by the courts do not always provide a sufficient deterrent. The costs and time involved in bringing a prosecution can be significant."

Any money brought in would be used to help prevent more fly-tipping with extra signs put up as a deterrent.

More serious officences could still result in criminal prosecution.

The council's cabinet will meet on Monday to discuss the changes.

As reported in the Warrington Guardian last week, there were 997 incidents of fly-tipping in 2022-23 in Warrington - down from 1,073 in the year before.