AN offender has found himself back behind bars after admitting he had been harassing a woman.

John Bailey has appeared before the court before charged with flouting restraining orders imposed by judges to protect others from him.

The 35-year-old was hauled back before the courts recently to face a charge of harassment putting in fear of violence.

Prosecutor Nicola Parr explained to Warrington Magistrates’ Court how the defendant acted in a way in Warrington that constituted harassment between January 14 and 15.

He caused a woman to fear that violence would be used against her through his behaviour on attending her home on two separate occasions.

He is no stranger to court appearances, having beaten up his mum and her neighbour and breached restraining orders on a number of previous occasions.

One time was just a week after his release from prison, and while a marked police car was outside the address.

Before sentencing for his latest offending, district judge John McGarva said that he would take Bailey’s guilty plea into account.

However, he commented that the offence was so serious that only a custodial sentence could be justified, given his previous record.

Bailey, of Annie Street in Orford, was sentenced to 26 weeks immediate imprisonment.

The court also imposed a fresh restraining order prohibiting the defendant from contacting the victim in this case by any means for the next two years.