THE FORMER head teacher of dazzling darts finalist Luke Littler has sent a good luck message ahead of the final.

A previous pupil of Padgate Academy, Littler is the youngest player to ever reach the final of the World Darts Championship final.

And as the decider of the tournament takes place this evening, Padgate head Adam McMillan has spoke of the ‘legacy’ his achievements will hold at the school and how they are all routing for him.

"He's putting darts on the map at the moment, but he's already done that here at the school,” Mr McMillan said.

"He's left such an incredible legacy at the school, lots of students have been inspired by him and gone on to be interested in darts.”

Through Littler’s sponsors, the talented 16-year-old has been able to supply the school with dart boards and a darts club has been set up which has proven popular amongst many of the Padgate students.

“Many students then bought their own dartboards,” the head added.

"He's left his mark here, but I think the wider impact will be seen in schools across the UK. We'll see some sort of legacy from all this."

In a good look message to the player, Mr McMillan said: “Everyone at Padgate is incredibly proud of everything you have achieved in the World Championships so far and we will all be supporting in the final this evening. Good luck Luke.”