THE true kindness of residents has been shown with a heartwarming appeal to support an elderly lady who was targeted by despicable thieves on a bus.

The despicable lowlives stole a large amount of cash from the 86-year-old victim as she travelled on the number two bus in Latchford.

She had gone into the town centre and withdrew £1,000 in cash to buy Christmas presents on Thursday afternoon.

However, she was watched in the bank by a group of three women through the window, who then followed her to the bus station and got the same number bus.

One of the perpetrators distracted her while another removed the envelope from her handbag in her walking trolley and then got off the bus at the next stop.

Police confirmed that they are investigating the disgraceful incident, while the victim’s family set up an online donations page after people asked how they could help out.

This has now closed after generous residents raised £1,623 to reimburse her and compensate her for the horrific experience.

On hearing the news, the emotional lady said: “I cannot thank everybody enough for what they have done – there are more good people than bad people about.”

Her family added: “She is doing well. We are all just so grateful and appreciative of everyone who has donated and given kind words of support.”

One donation comment read: “I am so happy to see that this will help restore her faith. Get her the biggest bunch of flowers with the extra raised, and I hope this helps her move forward. Huge love.”

Another said: “Sending love, and I hope this shows you that there are more good people in this world than bad.”

In an update, Cheshire Police confirmed that no arrests have yet been made, but officers are in contact with both the bus company and the victim’s bank with a view to obtaining CCTV footage.

This will then be processed through facial recognition software before any CCTV appeal is issued.

In launching the fundraiser last week, the victim’s family said: “She is shaken up, has lost all trust in people, does not want to go out of the house and will not go out alone now due to being scared.

“We feel absolutely disgusted that some people could do something like this to an old lady.

“She is the loveliest lady and will do anything she can to help anyone out.”

A spokesman for Cheshire Police said: “At 3.52pm on Thursday, November 16, police were called to reports of a high-value theft in Warrington.

“The caller reported that three women had stolen a large amount of cash from an 86-year-old woman who was travelling on the number two Latchford bus.

“The women are believed to have distracted the victim after following her onto the bus.

“The investigation is in its early stages and enquiries are ongoing. No arrests have been made at this time.”

Anyone with any information is asked to call Cheshire Police on 101, quoting IML 1692502, or visit