‘The forgotten estate’ – this is what the residents of an estate in Orford refer to their home as, after fly-tippers have repeatedly targeted the area for years.

Fridges, sofas, clothes and mattresses are among the items that can be seen strewn across Quebec Road.

Wendy Capper, a resident on the street, said her and her neighbours have ‘had enough’.

Rewinding back to where the problem began, Wendy said: “The council put a bin on the road a few years ago and since then it has been nothing but a dumping ground.”

Warrington Guardian:
Culprits for the fly-tipping are hard to catch, as most come throughout the night, Wendy added.

Pictures taken by Wendy’s neighbour on Tuesday show the extent of the issue.

Piles of rubbish, including pizza boxes, garden chairs, flat screen Tvs and even a dish washer have been discarded throughout the area.

Wendy spoke to the council after the latest spate of fly-tipping next to the communal bin to express her concerns.

“It is on a public footpath which school children use on their commute home. Both children and mums with prams have to step out onto the busy road where cars are to avoid the rubbish.

“The council said it could be 12 weeks until someone comes out to take it.”

Warrington Guardian:
The resident, who is an assistant at St Benedicts Primary School, recalled an incident recently of a drive by fly-tipper on Quebec Road.

“My neighbour told me that a woman stopped in her car and was getting a three piece sweet out of her car,” Wendy said.

“They confronted her and she said, ‘well where else am I meant to put it’.”

She also expressed how the mounds of rubbish has created a terrible odour that lingers around the area now making it unpleasant to walk around.

Another resident, who wishes not remain anonymous, expressed similar views on the ongoing situation.

Warrington Guardian:
“It is quite disgusting to be honest. The kids going to St Benedict's have to walk around it. They are walking on the road while cars are parking around them for the school run.”

“Someone is going to get injured,” he added. “The council are saying it could take up to 12 weeks to clear, are they just going to wait for a child to get hit by a car? It is not fair.”

Wendy expressed the views of many on the street, saying how they want the bin, which is the focal point of the fly-tipping, to be removed from the road.

“This area used to be beautiful a few years ago. We call it the forgotten estate now,” she added.

Warrington Guardian:
A Warrington Borough Council spokesperson commented on the issue, saying: “We are aware of this incident. If you have any information about who dumped this waste please get in touch with us.

“Information and incidents of fly tipping can be reported to the Contact Centre on 01925 443322 or via warrington.gov.uk/report.”

Warrington Borough Council advise that 'if you see fly-tipping it’s better to not move it or clear it away yourself but to report it'.

You can report fly-tipping online using your My Warrington account, if you don't have an account, registering is easy.

The council can take formal legal action such as prosecutions and fixed penalty notices, where there is evidence to show who was responsible.

This evidence could be from a witness, CCTV footage, mobile phone recordings or finding evidence in the waste.