A BIRCHWOOD man who wanted to act out his fantasies of having sex with young girls was caught out by a group of paedophile hunters.

Elliot Dearn initiated chats with who he thought were underage teenagers online.

In conversations he complemented them on their appearance and described sexual relationships he wanted to have with the 13- and 14-year-old girls.

On one occasion he tried to arrange for one young girl to come to his family home, where he lived with his parents.

Little did he know he was speaking to a ‘group of elite solo decoys’ who set up fake profiles to catch out grooming online.

Dearn, who is in a wheelchair and has various medical conditions including motor neurone disease, was told by the judge at his sentencing at Liverpool Crown Court that his offences would usually lead to an immediate custodial sentence.

However due to his disabilities and medical needs in which he requires 24-hour care, a suspended sentence would be issued instead.

Warrington Guardian: The hearing took place at Liverpool Crown CourtThe hearing took place at Liverpool Crown Court

Prosecuting, Michael Stephenson said that members of the decoy group set up three fake profiles on Facebook.

On November 8 and 12, 2020, Dearn began speaking to two fake profiles acting as young teenagers.

He told one of the girls she was ‘pretty, hot and very sexy’.

After continuing to speak to one of the fake profiles, Dearn admitted he wanted a girlfriend.

He requested to see pictures of her in her bra and asked if she would like to go out with him.

Mr Stephenson told the court how between February 3 and 20, Dearn spoke with the girl of ‘coming to his home for oral sex’.

He said he would ‘pay for a taxi to his home’ and sent his mobile phone number.

The defendant also confessed his love for her and said he wanted to be her boyfriend.

Dearn’s offending came to a close when police arrived at his address with members of the decoy group instead of the teenage girl, he thought he had been speaking with online.

The defendant, of Forbes Close, Birchwood, pleaded guilty to four charges involving attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

Defending, Jim Smith said Dearn has suffered from epilepsy, motor neurone disease and complex mental health issues.

“He lives with his parents and is subjected to 24-hour care by his parents,” Mr Smith said.

“He would be extremely vulnerable in a custodial setting and a prison would not be able to cater for his needs.”

Judge Robert Trevor-Jones concluded the hearing by addressing the defendant.

“These four offences clearly are serious offences. I think you have begun to appreciate that.

“After all, what you thought you were doing at the time was contacting young girls, either 13 or 14 years of age which was made clear when you first contacted them.

“That did not deter you.”

Judge Trevor-Jones highlighted that what Dearn had implied in the messages could never have happened because of his complex medical issues.

He served the defendant with a 22-month sentence, suspended for 18 months.

Dearn must also sign on to the Sexual Offences Register and a Sexual Prevention Order was issued for 10 years.