A CONTROLLING bully has been jailed by the courts for his shocking behaviour to his girlfriend.

Bradley Boyle was in a relationship with the victim, but he subjected her to unacceptable abuse over a period of months.

The 29-year-old was due to stand trial at Chester Crown Court, however he changed his plea on a charge of engage in controlling and coercive behaviour in an intimate relationship from not guilty to guilty on the day of the hearing.

The case subsequently moved to sentence, with prosecutor Jemma Gordon explaining how the behaviour spanned a period of nine months.

Between the end of August 2022 and end of May 2023, Boyle admitted that he repeatedly or continuously engaged in behaviour which was controlling or coercive.

This involved emotional abuse, threats of violence, checking her phone and social media and monitoring and restricting her contact with third parties.

It also involved assaults and him making accusations towards her that she was being unfaithful to him.

The charge which he admitted states that that behaviour had a serious effect on her, and that Boyle knew or ought to have known that such behaviour would have that impact.

Before passing sentence, judge Michael Leeming remarked that the offence was so serious that only an immediate custodial sentence was appropriate, given the circumstances.

Boyle, of Folly Lane in Bewsey, was sentenced to one year and eight months immediate imprisonment.

On his release, he must abide by a restraining order prohibiting him from approaching or contacting the victim, or entering a named Warrington street, for the next five years.