A ‘VIOLENT, controlling, and cowardly bully’ has been sent to prison for violence against a female partner for the third time.

Ricky Coddington, 34, appeared at Liverpool Crown Court on Tuesday to be sentenced for two counts of controlling and coercive behaviour, and one count of common assault.

Coddington has been jailed on two previous occasions for violent crimes against women, having been jailed for two counts of actual bodily harm in May 2015, as well as a conviction for actual bodily harm, battery, and criminal damages in March 2016.

Prosecuting, Ben Berkson told the court of a variety of vile and cowardly crimes by the defendant, spanning more than a year between October 2021 and November 2022.

Among these was ramming his car into hers and forcing her to hide with her child in McDonalds, throwing a commemorative Christmas tree at her, and threatening her with knives and hammers.

Coddington, a former employee of Gulliver’s World who carried out most of these crimes in Warrington, was controlling of the victim’s life and communications – in particular forcing her to quit multiple jobs due to mistrust around male co-workers.

The 34-year-old also controlled her communication with family, reportedly being ‘furious’ at her for asking her grandfather for a loan following financial difficulties.

Some of the most shocking crimes include threats to kill, with Coddington holding a knife and hammer to her leg and smashing her car windshield.

The incident involving the victim’s car being rammed came after she left the house to attend a football game.

He then chased after her, ramming his car into the back of hers at a McDonalds. Two children were inside her car at the time, and she had to find refuge in the McDonalds' bathroom to hide from him.

Warrington Guardian: Coddington has been jailed twice before for crimes against female partnersCoddington has been jailed twice before for crimes against female partners (Image: Facebook)

The common assault conviction came as Coddington threw a Christmas tree at the victim, ‘which was put up to commemorate her deceased friend’.

As a result of the assault, the victim had bruises over her legs, and Coddington was said to have been violent to her on four occasions, including having thrown her down the stairs.

Judge Ian Harris, presiding over the case, said: “You were domineering, controlling, coercive, and cowardly. You were a bully towards her.”

Judge Harris noted that Coddington has seven previous convictions, on four occasions, all of which are against former female partners.

In a pre-sentence report referenced by the District Judge, Coddington is a high risk of reoffending against women, and a medium risk to children due to the possibility they may witness his abuse.

The 34-year-old, from Heathgate Avenue in Liverpool, was found guilty after a trial in which he ‘accused his victim of lying’.

Judge Harris said: “The Jury saw through your lies.” He went on to call the assault ‘a mean cowardly offence’.

Coddington was sentenced to a three-year prison sentence for the charges of controlling and coercive behaviour and received a concurrent six month sentence for assault.

As well as this, he was served with a 10-year restraining order against his victim.