PLANS for the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure at the new bus depot have been approved.

An application for the site, off Dallam Lane, which also proposed lighting, plant and associated work, came before the development management committee at its meeting on Thursday.

A total of 20 electric vehicle chargers would be positioned around the edge of the depot, with a further 34 located in the central bus parking area.

The application was approved subject to conditions, as recommended.

A report to the committee said the principle of development is acceptable and, subject to conditions, there would be no unacceptable impacts on visual or residential amenity, or on the local highway network.

It added: “All aspects of the proposed development would be set back from the frontages of the bus depot onto Dallam Lane and Bewsey Road.

“The site is also not accessible to the public. As such the proposals would not occupy a prominent position within the street scene.

“The proposed substation and majority of proposed cabinets would be located behind an existing substation when viewed from Dallam Lane.

“The cabinets proposed to the north of the site would be located behind the main building so would not be visible from Bewsey Road.

“The materials of the proposed substation and cabinets are considered to be in keeping with the industrial appearance of the application site and the area surrounding it.”