A VIOLENT offender who tried to control aspects of his girlfriend’s life has been jailed.

Violence was used by David Ronan in Warrington to get his own way with the female victim which had a serious impact on her.

The 41-year-old faced charges of engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour and assault by beating at Liverpool Crown Court.

The court heard how the offending spanned a period of two years, from early February 2021 to late February this year.

During this time, Ronan repeatedly or continuously engaged in behaviour which was controlling or coercive.

This involved acts of violence, him controlling money through the use of the complainant’s bank card and causing damage to property and mobile phones.

An assault took place on Boxing Day last year, and in addition, he was verbally abusive and demeaning towards the victim.

The charge states his behaviour had a serious effect on her, as well as that he knew or ought to have known that this would be the result.

Ronan, now of Union Close in Biddeford, Devon, was sentenced to 22 months immediate imprisonment.