AN offender has been put behind bars after being found with a machete in a residential street.

A quantity of illegal drugs were also found in the possession of Charlie Cooper.

The 27-year-old admitted charges of possessing a knife in a public place and possession of a class B drug when he appeared before Warrington Magistrates’ Court.

The case proceeded to sentence, with Joseph Kindley, representing the Crown Prosecution Service, stating how both offences were committed on June 14.

Cooper was on Rolleston Street bear the town centre when he was found to be in possession of the machete ‘without good reason or lawful authority’.

On his person, he also had a quantity of the controlled class B drug cannabis.

Magistrates determined that the possession of such a dangerous bladed article in public merited a custodial sentence.

The concluded that due to the severity of the offences, only immediate custody was appropriate for the defendant.

Cooper, of Bruche Heath Gardens in Paddington, was sentenced to six months immediate imprisonment.

He was also ordered to pay costs to Crown Prosecution Service of £120.

In addition, magistrates approved orders to deprive the defendant of the machete and for the forfeiture and destruction of the cannabis.