A VILE sex predator who continuously raped and abused an 11-year-old boy from Warrington has been jailed.

Daniel Sneddon began sexually assaulting his victim just days before his tenth birthday in 2021.

He would reward and groom his victim with presents, even purchasing him a bond touch bracelet to communicate with him when he was not there in person.

Sneddon, of Galston Road, Kilmarnock, appeared at Chester Crown court today, Monday, facing charges of four counts of sexual assault on a child, two counts of rape of a child and two counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child present.

Prosecuting, Anna Pope said the defendant pleaded guilty to nine counts to sexual offences of a child under 18.

She told the courts that Sneddon’s victim is under 12.

“The sexual abuse started shortly before the victim’s tenth birthday” Ms Pope said.

“Daniel started to test the waters with the victim to see what he could do to him.

“The defendant exposed his penis to him and asked him to perform a sexual act, after he bought him a present from Asda and a McDonalds.”

The abuse continued over a period of two years with one occasion where the defendant stayed in a Premier Inn with his victim and exposed himself to him again before asking him to perform sexual acts ‘in return for a gift’.

Sneddon raped his victim and isolated him. He would frequently communicate with him through a ‘bond touch bracelet’ he purchased for both of them.

The victim began not wearing the bracelet due to the amount of times Sneddon would try to contact him throughout the days.

“On one occasion, the defendant asked the victim to take part in sexual activities.

“The defendant told the victim that if he did it he would buy him more presents,” Ms Pope said.

“If the victim did not do what he was told by the defendant, the defendant would become angry and begin slapping him in the face and choking him.

“On one occasion he threatened to drown the victim in a river.”

As part of the extensive grooming that took place over the two years, Sneddon paid for his victim to attend a Lewid Capaldi concert.

He even shared a TikTok account with the child, where they would create videos. Unbeknown to him, his victim would edit the videos with the message ‘help’.

“It was a cry for help,” Ms Pope added.

Matters eventually came to light after the victim’s mother saw a screenshot on the victim’s phone of a message from the defendant, saying ‘I really liked it when you touched me in the living room’.

On March 6 this year Sneddon was arrested and gave a statement denying the allegations.

Police officers photographed a large tattoo on Sneddon’s arm of a name, this was in fact the victim’s name.

The victim provided a personal statement which was read out in court and detailed to what extent the sexual abuse he was subjected to by Sneddon has affected his life and mental health.

“Daniel groomed and sexually abused me. Whilst it was happening, I was confused and scared. I felt depressed and anxious.

“When my mum found the conversation on my phone, I was frightened I would get in trouble and that they would not believe me.

“When I told the police the truth, the weight on my shoulders started to lift.

“There was a time when I could not sleep for days. I struggled with the pressure of the ongoing investigation. I could not believe he had done that to me.

“All I wanted was for people to believe me and for Daniel to admit what he did was wrong.”

Another victim statement was provided by the victim’s mother which was also read out to the court.

“From the first moment I realised Daniel had abused my son I blamed myself. I asked myself what I could have done differently to protect him.”

Ms Pope explained how the mother is ‘plagued with constant fear’ about how the events have affected her son.

Warrington Guardian: Chester Crown Court

A Final statement was provided by Ellie Weaver a mental health worker who was contacted by the police in September 2023 to review the victim at Warrington Hospital.

Main concerns reported to Ms Weaver were of hallucinations and suicidal thoughts that the young boy had experienced since the sexual abuse.

Defending, Max Saffman said: “Prior to this offending he was a man of good character.

“Social services were involved with him and his family from the age of one.

“What is overwhelming from the psychological report, is that he suffers considerably from Autism.”

Concluding, Judge Thompson addressed Sneddon in reference to the sexual abuse he put his victim through.

“You used him affectively as your sexual plaything.

“What in fact you were doing is regularly and systematically abusing him.

“It has caused in my judgement, psychological harm to a child. It has understandably caused dreadful harm to his family and his mother.

“The only person who’s fault it was is you. Unfortunately, whether it is because of your autism spectrum disorder, you do not accept this.

“Taking into account everything I have read about you, in my judgement there is no way it can excuse the way you have behaved.

“You have an unhealthy interest in children and in this child.”

Judge Thompson determined the offender to be a risk to the safety of children.

Sneddon was handed an extended sentence of 17.5 years of which he will serve two thirds of before it is decided if it is safe for him to be released and serve the rest on licence.

A restraining order has also been put in place against the victim and his family as well as a sexual harm prevention order.

For advice on identifying signs of sexual exploitation visit Child Sexual Exploitation & How to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC.

To report a sexual offence call Cheshire Constabulary on 101. Information can also be given online at https://www.cheshire.police.uk/ro/report or anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.