GET your blood pressure checked at a series of sessions across Warrington next week.

Warrington Borough Council and partner organisations are encouraging residents to get their blood pressure checked from September 4 to 10.

Across Cheshire & Merseyside about 650,000 people are thought to have high blood pressure, including over 260,000 people who don't yet know they are affected.

LiveWire is running sessions that include getting your blood pressure checked, with lifestyle advice given dependent on results, along with ECGs to check heart rhythm.

Residents can attend the following sessions:

• Monday, September 4, Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub, 10am to 2pm

• Tuesday, September 5, Great Sankey Neighbourhood Hub, 9.30am to 12:30pm

In addition, Warrington Borough Council’s Health and Wellbeing team have organised several blood pressure check sessions to take place across Warrington’s community centres.

Residents can go along to the following sessions:

• Tuesday, September 5, Sankey Bridges Community Centre, 11am to 2pm

• Wednesday, September 6, Fearnhead Community Centre, 10:30am to 12:30pm

• Thursday, September 7, Penketh Community Centre, 9am to 12pm

• Friday, September 8, Westy Community Centre, 11am to 2pm

Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, cabinet member for public health and wellbeing said: “A number of factors can increase the risk of high blood pressure, including eating too much salt, not eating enough fruit and vegetables, being overweight, smoking and not being active. This is why it is important to try to live a healthy lifestyle.

“Knowing Your Numbers is a really important step to take, and I would urge residents, especially those who are over 40 to ensure they measure their blood pressure and do so regularly. It’s a great idea to invest in a blood pressure monitor that you can use at home to keep on top of your numbers.

“And if you would like to find out more about your blood pressure and get specific advice, drop into one of the many sessions taking place across Warrington for know your numbers week.”

For more information visit the NHS website or Blood Pressure UK