PADGATE Academy celebrated a proud year of GCSE results for their students, sending many off for success in their further education.

Reka Farkas was among their highest achievers and wants to use her GCSEs to go on and take up a career in fashion.

She said: “I want to do business in fashion, or something in fashion. I want to move abroad too, hopefully to Italy or France for University.

"I am doing a level 3 in Vale in Fashion Innovation next year, I can’t wait!”

A spokesperson for Padgate Academy said: “Everyone at Padgate Academy is incredibly proud of the achievements of our students today. They have shown a real effort and determination to succeed and can take great pride in their efforts. 

“We have seen some really impressive results from many of our students at the academy, with particularly notable results achieved by: Leo Mckiney, Lucy Hoolihan, and Reka Farkas.

“We thank all parents/carers and staff for their support over the past 5 years. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours.”