IMAGINE celebrating your 3rd birthday with the arrival of a baby brother.

And then celebrating your 7th birthday and your brother’s 4th birthday with the arrival of another baby brother.

What are the chances?

Emma Smith, who is 42, and her partner Dave, who is 39, have just welcomed their third son into their family - Arley Jay – on June 20.

The new arrival made an appearance on his older brother Jesse Joe’s 4th birthday, who joined the family on his older brother Alfie James’ 3rd birthday.

All three boys, who live in Sandymoor, share the same birthday – June 20!

Since Jesse and Alfie were born, June 20 has proved to be a busy day for celebrations with the boys tucking into a two-tier birthday cake.

Emma joked that next year they’d need a wedding style three-tiered cake – one for each of the brothers.

She said: “It’s a good job Dave and I love a good celebration, isn’t it?

“Jesse will start school in September so I imagine the parties are going to end up being supersized very soon, especially if each child wants to invite everyone in their class.

“Looking to the future, we will have a 21st birthday and an 18th on the same day – we’d better get saving!”

Warrington Guardian: Emma and Dave welcomed their newest arrival Arley on their sons' 7th and 4th birthdaysEmma and Dave welcomed their newest arrival Arley on their sons' 7th and 4th birthdays (Image: Heather Elizabeth Photography)

Emma has suffered from endometriosis for 30 years and despite undergoing ten operations has never been free from the disease.

Doctors warned her and Dave that their chances of conceiving were extremely poor but Emma says they’re “pleased to have proved them wrong in such an amazing way”.

The couple were given different due dates for all three boys but they all decided to make an appearance on June 20.

Emma said: “Numerology comes into play with mine and Dave’s birthdays as well because my birthday is May 9 and Dave’s is May 11.

“Nine and 11 make 20, so I always say that me plus Dave equals the boys.”

She added: “It’s like having a second Christmas each year with two birthdays on the same day and now we have three to celebrate.

“I’m already looking forward to next year – we’re going to make it such a special day for them all.”

Nobody can believe that Emma and Dave had their two sons on the same day and now their third little boy shares the same birthday too.

The odds of three babies being born on the same day is one in 133,000, which takes into account the second baby arriving on the first baby’s birthday – 1 in 365 - and then the third baby arriving on the same day again – 1 in 365.

One in 133,000 is roughly eight in a million.

It’s only when you factor in the boys being brothers and members of the same family that the odds become longer and harder to calculate.

The Guinness Book of World Records features the Cummins family in Virginia, USA, who had five children all born on the same day.

Catherine, Carol, Charles, Claudia and Cecilia were all born on February 20, but in different years.

When entered into the records the family was described as ‘the only verified record of a family producing five single children with the same date of birth.’

The record-keepers in 1977 estimated odds of that happening as 17.7 billion to 1.

Since then, the Mangi family has come forward with nine members of the same family sharing the same birthday – August 1.

Parents Ameer Ali and Khudeja, who live in Pakistan, have Sindhoo, twins Sasui and Sapna, twins Ammar and Ahmas, Aamir and Ambar.

The couple also chose to get married on their shared birthday in 1991 so celebrate their wedding anniversary on August 1 as well.

Do you share a birthday with members of your family? Were you and your best friend born on the same day?

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