A college student was caught driving while under the influence of cannabis and may have been pulled over due to his youthful appearance.

He then lost his job in Warrington because he could no longer drive.

Mustafa Shah was on College Way in Bolton on January 19 this year in a Volkswagen Polo.

Bolton Magistrates Court heard at around 12.30pm police approached his car and pulled it over.

After doing so officers noted a smell of cannabis.

A swab test was carried out and it came back positive for cannabis.

Alan Roberts, prosecuting, said the reading was more than double the legal limit.

At court Shah, from Wigan Road, Bolton, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of cannabis.

The court heard the 18-year-old had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and had no previous convictions.

Adam Whittaker, defending, suggested why Shah had been pulled over.

He said: "I asked why police stopped him and he smiled at me.

"'He said 'they probably thought I was 13.'

"He does look very young.

"He has insurance and he has got a licence.

"He knows it it an offence to drive under the influence.

"He is not a regular smoker.

"He had not smoked for several days.

"He did not think for one second that it would still be in his system."

Mr Whittaker also said he was a college student and had lost a job in Warrington as a result of not being able to drive any more.

He also said he was dependent on his parents financially until he could find a job locally and was supported by his cousin in court.

Chair of the bench Kathleen Butterworth banned Shah from the roads for a year.

He was also fined £120 for the offence.

The court took his guilty plea into account when determining the sentence which it would impose.