AN unauthorised traveller encampment consisting of 12 caravans has moved onto a field in Appleton.

The group, which not only includes caravans but also their associated vehicles, set up on Millennium Green yesterday, Wednesday.

According to an unauthorised encampment log for Cheshire and Warrington, which is operated by Cheshire West and Cheshire Council, an officer has made contact with the landowner of the privately-owned field.

The green space off Dale Lane and Lumb Brook Road is a popular walking spot among residents and is also used by children.

Millenium Green also plays host to a number of community events.

The arrival of this group comes after another traveller encampment moved onto Appleton Thorn Playing Fields on Sunday.

This group consisted of 10 caravans but left yesterday after being served a section 60c notice which related to them residing on the green space without consent.