There are many reasons dogs are scared of the grooming salon but for some breeds a trip to the groomers is a necessity, especially long haired breeds or curly coated breeds.

Canine behaviourist Rebeckah Vaughan explains that if certain breeds are not groomed, it can lead to extremely painful matting. Once these matts are removed there's a high chance of a hematoma, that's just one of the reasons why regular grooming is important.

Warrington Guardian:  Rebeckah only books one dog daily to ensure the process is calm and as relaxed as possible. Rebeckah only books one dog daily to ensure the process is calm and as relaxed as possible. (Image: No More Kennels)

So why do some dogs hate the groomers? 

Usually it is because of past trauma, maybe they were nipped once by the scissors, maybe their nails were cut too short exposing the quick. These are all common during the grooming process and not a reflection on the groomer. Dogs thrash about on the table and even the most experienced groomer has experienced some kind of "accident" during a groom. 

Trauma related to abuse is another reason. If a dog has been abused then they are much less trusting of new people. They may be so scared of strangers touching them that they will show their teeth or even bite in an attempt to keep you from touching them.

Pain is also a reason why dogs may not allow you to groom them, if you are touching an area that is painful, then they will do everything they can to prevent further pain. The number of dogs I see with painful ear infections is increasing as owners rarely look in their dogs ears.

Warrington Guardian: At No More Kennels, your dog will be given rest breaks throughout the day and will be the only dog booked in.At No More Kennels, your dog will be given rest breaks throughout the day and will be the only dog booked in. (Image: No More Kennels)

Older dogs who are suffering with dementia (canine cognitive dysfunction - CCD) can be so disoriented and confused that they will bite. They are considerably more difficult to groom as they may exhibit repetitive motions such as head bobbing or circling.

Another reason is that they think they are at the vets, this also falls under the PTSD category, most grooming salons smell the same as the vets, just the action of lifting a dog onto the table induces fear. Lots of dogs don't like having their neck touched as this is where their microchip is administered, along with most vaccinations. If you have seen the size of a microchip needle then you will understand why dogs don't want you touching their neck. The same goes for legs, they think a needle is going in there and therefore touching their front legs is off limits.

So how do we help dogs overcome their fears?

Finding an understanding groomer is the first step. Lots of large grooming franchises only allow a limited amount of time per dog.

Warrington Guardian: Regular grooming is important for all dogs to keep their fur in the best condition and prevent matting.Regular grooming is important for all dogs to keep their fur in the best condition and prevent matting. (Image: No More Kennels)

For some dogs, being groomed is scary, and they need extra time, a lot of patience and lots of cuddles. Rebeckah only books one dog daily to ensure the process is calm and as relaxed as possible. Rebeckah is a force-free dog groomer. She believes that working with a dog to comply on their terms is a much kinder way of grooming. Rebeckah uses this way of thinking with all dogs, especially when training and grooming. If a nail clip takes an hour, then so be it. If Rebeckah needs to stop for a cuddle every ten minutes, then that’s no problem at all. There’s no rush. It’s about building up trust.

If you would like to book this service, you will be booking Rebeckah’s time for the full day. The groom can take anything from 2 hours to 6 hours. Your dog will be given rest breaks throughout the day and will be the only dog booked in. They will not be around any other dogs during their groom. The cost for this service is £120 for any breed and must be paid at the time of booking.

Please visit to book online.