A MUM and newborn baby boy who had to be resuscitated on the C-section operating table were saved by amazing NHS staff, says a relieved dad.

Sarah Maxwell, from Scotland, and Danny Brown, who owns Widnes Bouncy Castle Hire, were thrilled when they learned they were going to have a baby boy.

Warrington Guardian: The moment Caleb was placed on Sarah once she finally woke upThe moment Caleb was placed on Sarah once she finally woke up (Image: Danny Brown)

Due to complications, Sarah, 34, was forced to go into University Hospital Crosshouse near Glasgow in Scotland three weeks early to give birth, and Danny, 35, was right by her side.

However, after a lengthy labour, Sarah’s heart rate was dropping, and they rushed her in to have an emergency C-section on Sunday, April 23.

Danny, who owns Widnes Bounce Castle Hire, said: “It was horrible, one minute I was getting sorted with all the gear on to go in with her to have the section and the next there were alarms going off in the theatre and I wasn’t allowed in.

Warrington Guardian: Baby CalebBaby Caleb (Image: Danny Brown)

“I learned later that both Sarah and the baby had 'died', but thankfully the NHS staff worked immediately on them both and saved them.

“I know I missed out on seeing my son born, but I’m just so grateful they are both here.”

While Sarah had further medical support, baby Caleb North was wheeled through to dad Danny, who got to spend an hour with the tot before mum was brought through.

The dad-of-three added: “I just love them both to bits, my heart sank when I saw in the gap in the door them working on Sarah, so seeing Caleb and then watching Sarah get brought through to us both honestly my heart felt so full.

Warrington Guardian:

“Sarah was still asleep from all the drugs and what she went through for hours, but as she was waking up I made sure to put Caleb on her chest, I captured it all on camera, it’s the most heartwarming thing. A moment I’ll cherish until I’m in my grave for sure.

“I nearly lost them both, but luckily they worked hard in the hospital to save them. Sarah is home now and recovering but she’s here and that’s what matters.”