WARRINGTON Conservatives say they ‘stand with residents’ against plans to close another hotel in the town to accommodate migrants.

It was reported earlier this week that Holiday Inn in Woolston will be used for ‘temporary accommodation’ for asylum seekers – the third such hotel in the town.

The venue, in the constituency of Charlotte Nichols MP, is unavailable to book on its website until at least March 2024, with bookings mainly unavailable for the next 12 months.

Staff at the hotel are said to have been offered alternative work replacements at other locations, while Woolston residents say they have not been contacted regarding the decision.

Cllr Rob Tynan, Conservative representative for Rixton and Woolston, has expressed disappointment that Home Office Officials have failed to listen to feedback regarding this hotel and its location.

He has also argued that the plan will have a negative impact on the local residential area and the local business park, stating that businesses and residents are ‘very concerned about the impact, security and safety in the area’.

Cllr Tynan said: “I am dismayed that Home Office officials have failed to inform us properly of these plans and in a timely manner.

“The Holiday Inn Woolston is not a suitable location, and I will be writing to the Home Secretary to ask that she reviews this decision immediately.

“I am frankly stunned that the Labour council leader Russ Bowden and deputy leader Cathy Mitchell have not said a word to reassure residents. Residents deserve better.

“While we know the attention of the Leader is in Liverpool Crown Court this week for his trial, it is wrong that the residents are not being supported on such an important issue by this ghosted leadership team.

Holiday Inn in Woolston

Holiday Inn in Woolston

“Residents are rightly concerned about the decision to use the hotel, especially as Paddington House further up Manchester Road along with the Fir Grove in Grappenhall are being used to house asylum seekers.

“I will continue to stand with residents against asylum seekers being housed in inappropriate locations and I will keep residents updated.”

A spokesman for Warrington Borough Council previously said the local authority 'simply cannot support' the plan.

Theo Mirfin, newly elected chair of Warrington Conservatives added: “It is clear only the Conservatives have a plan to control our borders so if you come to the country illegally, you are detained and swiftly removed.

“At every turn, the Labour MP for Warrington North, Charlotte Nichols, has voted for weaker borders, against deportation flights and wants to scrap the Rwanda Plan that sees illegal migrants transferred to a safe country.

“Only the Conservatives are on the side of the British people, which is exactly why stopping the boats is one of our five priorities.”

Responding, Ms Nichols said: “It is utterly laughable that Warrington Conservatives would try to blame anyone other than the last 13 years of Tory chaos for the situation that we now face.

“The asylum system is broken because they broke it. The backlog is ten times higher than when Labour left office, and now even higher than when Rishi Sunak promised to clear it last December.

“Home Office caseworker numbers are falling, not rising, and the Tories’ proposed solutions are not only unworkable, but in breach of our international obligations.

“Labour is the party of law and order, including at our borders, and only a Labour Government will undo the mess they have landed us in as Warrington residents continue to pay for their incompetence.”