WARRINGTON said goodbye to Brianna Ghey this afternoon, Wednesday, as the funeral service for the 16-year-old took place.

The funeral was held at St Elphin's Parish Church at 2.45pm, with hundreds of mourners in attendance.

Brianna was murdered in Culcheth last month, with her body being discovered with multiple stab wounds at Culcheth Linear Park on Saturday, February 11.

Warrington Guardian: The hearse was followed by a horse-drawn carriage and four black funeral carsThe hearse was followed by a horse-drawn carriage and four black funeral cars (Image: Newsquest)

Two 15-year-olds have been charged with the trans schoolgirl's murder, a boy and a girl, who will appear at a plea hearing in May, before the murder trial commences in July.

Brianna's family asked mourners wishing to attend the funeral service to wear pink clothing, and that in place of floral tributes, donations be made to the charity MiSP – Mindfulness in Schools Project.

Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral service at St Elphin's, including the Mayor of Warrington Cllr Jean Flaherty.

The service was performed by Reverend Debbie Lovatt, and the funeral began with the hymn Amazing Grace, before letters from friends and family were read.

Warrington Guardian: A horse-drawn carriage brought Brianna's pink coffin to the churchA horse-drawn carriage brought Brianna's pink coffin to the church (Image: Newsquest)

Brianna's friend Amelia said: "My heart is more than broken.

"I just can't believe this is real - she was light on earth. Kind and caring.

"She found a way to make people carry on when they didn't want to.  

"I didn't expect to have to say goodbye so soon."

Brianna's aunt, through tears, also read at the funeral service.

Warrington Guardian: Hundreds of mourners paid their respectsHundreds of mourners paid their respects (Image: Newsquest)

A letter from Birchwood High, Brianna's school: "We will miss her determination and grit. Her wit and humour. Her insults and her putting us in our place.

"We learnt so much from her, and how to be our true selves.

"She was a true one-off."

A letter from Brianna's grandmother was read aloud in the service: "As you embark on life's greatest adventure in the company of angels, you will endure no more suffering in that place of light and love where there is no sin.

"You can be whatever you want and will be accepted with love and celebration. I miss you and keep you in my heart forever. Granny."

Warrington Guardian: An outpouring of love for the teenager was feltAn outpouring of love for the teenager was felt (Image: Newsquest)

Brianna's pink coffin was taken to the church in a horse-drawn carriage, followed by a procession of four black funeral cars.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow was played at the funeral, as well as Video Games by Lana Del Rey - two songs that were prevalent at the vigil held for Brianna in Culcheth following her death.

As the family left the church at the end of the service, the mourners poured out of the church in droves.

There was an incredibly diverse range of attendees spotted within the church grounds.

They did, however, have one thing in common: they were wearing pink to remember Brianna.