A TAKEAWAY and a car wash in Warrington have been fined a combined £30,000 as part of a police crackdown on illegal immigration crime.

The enforcement was part of a wider week of action by Cheshire Police across the county to disrupt organised immigration crime.

In total, four people were arrested for breaching bail and 20 premises visited between February 14 and 17 by the force’s hidden harm teams as part of Operation Reorganisation.

Officers visited car washes, barber shops, takeaway restaurants and accommodation above these businesses, with one closure notice and civil penalty being handed out at a barber shop in Widnes.

A £20,000 civil penalty was handed to a Warrington takeaway where three workers were found to be working illegally, while a £10,000 civil penalty was issued at a car wash in the town.

The Warrington Guardian has approached Cheshire Police for confirmation on the names of the takeaway and car wash.

In addition, a prohibition order was served by Warrington Borough Council’s housing department at a flat above a pizzeria in Warrington.

The operation was run in February to mark the ninth anniversary of the Morecambe Bay cockle pickers tragedy, which led to a change in legislation around modern slavery.

Speaking about the operation, DC Danielle Wensley said: “Organised immigration crime is the illegal facilitation of migrants across international borders by organised crime groups.

“Clandestine entry to the UK poses a significant risk to life to migrants, who are often concealed within vehicles.

“Home Office statistics show a high level of clandestine entrants in Cheshire, and it is widely accepted that a number of these people will become victims of modern slavery offences and further criminal exploitation.

“This operation allowed us to work to tackle this issue and take action against those who were intent on causing harm to those who are most vulnerable and safeguard them from further harm.”

Anyone with concerns about organised immigration crime can call Cheshire Police on 101 or visit cheshire.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/soh/seen-or-heard/

A member of your local hidden harm team will then get in touch.