DID you meet the love of your life this month?

If you live in Warrington and celebrated a new baby boy or girl during this month, we would love to see your pictures.

Pictures will be used in a 'Born in Warrington: February 2023' online picture gallery and will feature in a special supplement in the paper at the start of next year.

To be included, send us a picture of your newborn along with their full name, the area of Warrington they are from, date of birth and weight using the form below.

Any photographs with missing information will not be included.

Please include a colour photograph rather than black and white and only send close ups rather than montages or filtered pictures.

If you're due to give birth later this year, don't forget to look out for our appeals at the end of each month.

If you had a baby in January 2023, share a photo here.

If you had a baby in February 2023, share a photo here or use the link at the bottom of the page.