POLICE investigating a terrifying robbery incident in Bewsey have released a new image of a man they wish to speak to.

It comes after a disturbing occurrence which saw a young boy grabbed by a stranger who robbed him in broad daylight.

At 3.10pm on Wednesday, Cheshire Police received a report of an incident at the junction of Troutbeck Avenue and Norreys Avenue.

Officers swiftly attended the scene and discovered that a man had grabbed an 11-year-old boy around 10 minutes earlier.

The boy managed to fight off the man, who ran away with the boy’s mobile phone along Norreys Avenue towards Lilford Avenue.

Thankfully, the boy only sustained minor injuries.

Enquiries in relation to the incident are ongoing, and as part of their enquiries, detectives are urging anyone with any information or footage that may help their investigation to come forward.

They have also released CCTV images of a man they would like to speak to.

DI Danielle Knox said: “We understand that incidents such as this cause a lot of concern in the local community.

“I would like to reassure residents that we are doing all we can to establish exactly what has taken place and who was responsible.

“The man is described as white and around 5’ 11” tall with a proportionate build. He looked to be in his mid-30s and had a bushy ginger beard, green eyes and a scar on his right cheek.

“He had a deep voice and was wearing a dark coloured beanie hat, glasses, dark padded coat with a hood, grey or Khaki coloured tracksuit bottoms and black Nike trainers.

“As part of our enquiries we are keen to speak to the man in the CCTV footage as we believe that he may hold vital information.

“I urge anyone who believes that they may know the identity of the man or where he is to get in touch.

“The same goes for anyone with any information or dashcam, CCTV or doorbell footage that may aid our investigation.”

Anyone with information or footage that may be relevant to the investigation should call Cheshire Police on 101, quoting IML 1485298, or visit cheshire.police.uk/tell-us

Alternatively, information can be given anonymously by contacting Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Note: Following an update in the investigation, Cheshire Police has requested that the CCTV images be removed.