YOUNG apprentice Amy Pridding has been celebrating after winning a regional apprenticeship award following an impressive start to her career.

The 21-year-old is making a name for herself in the financial field having spent the past three-and-a-half years working for AJ Bell as well as studying for a digital user experience (UX) degree.

She joined AJ Bell – one of the UK’s largest investment platforms – when was just 18, having completed her A Levels and was offered a place on the company’s degree apprenticeship programme.

Fast forward to February 2023 and Amy, who lives in the town centre, was named the winner of the Apprentice of the Year Award for tech, digital and creative in the North West Apprentice Awards 2023.

The awards ceremony took place last Thursday at the end of National Apprenticeship Week and there were double celebrations throughout the evening at Media City with AJ Bell taking home the award for Large Employer of the Year.

Apprentice award winner Amy Pridding and AJ Bells Head of UX Design Lee Summerfield

Apprentice award winner Amy Pridding and AJ Bell's Head of UX Design Lee Summerfield

Amy, who also made the finals of the Tech Industry Gold National Apprentice Awards 2023, said: “I am still in shock and still can’t quite believe that I won.

“It was such an honour to make the finals but to be named the winner was the icing on the cake.

“I didn’t expect to win the award as I was up against some amazing finalists.

“Everyone at AJ Bell and Manchester Metropolitan University has been so supportive and my goal now is to continue to shine a light on the degree apprenticeship route and advocate for women in the technology sector.”

Lucy Kidson, AJ Bell's Apprenticeship Programme Manager, said: "We are thrilled that Amy has received this award.

"Since day one of her apprenticeship she has made outstanding progress in her studies and her work for AJ Bell and she is an incredible ambassador for apprenticeships, our business and young women interested in a career in technology.

"We are passionate about apprenticeships at AJ Bell and are delighted to receive this recognition for our programmes. 

"This award is testament to the hard work and commitment of everyone involved with our apprentices."

HS 13 Feb 2023 Apprentice award winner Amy Pridding Award winner Amy Pridding (centre) with Anne Gornall MBE, executive director of Greater Manchester Learning Provider Network (left) and magician Ben Hanlin (Photo: Jason Roberts)

Amy Pridding (centre) with Anne Gornall MBE, executive director of Greater Manchester Learning Provider Network (left) and magician Ben Hanlin (Photo: Jason Roberts)