CHRISTMAS is reportedly cancelled for 26 per cent of Warrington residents because they cannot afford to celebrate.

This is due to the current cost of living crisis, according to a new survey conducted in the town.

Almost one in six people (15 per cent) said they plan to buy no presents at all to save cash, while 17 per cent are ditching the Christmas tree and 16 per cent will go without a turkey.

Almost half of shoppers (49 per cent) are ‘worried’ about being able to afford to buy gifts for the festive period, with a fifth of households (21 per cent) plan to spend less this year than they did last year.

The findings come from a new poll of 2,000 shoppers from Inventory Planner, which provides forecasting and planning software for businesses.

Company spokeswoman Sara Arthrell said: “Many shoppers in Warrington face a nightmare before Christmas, but they are finding clever ways to save money and make sure that the Grinch does not spoil all the fun.”

“With more than a quarter of consumers cancelling Christmas this year, many retailers are facing a nightmare in the New Year being stuck with dangerous levels of excess stock.

“Good inventory planning is vital, and with a shrinking economy and weak consumer confidence, many retailers need to turn their surplus stock into cash quickly, and strengthen their cash reserves as they prepare to trade through a recession.”

Inventory Planner found that households were looking at lots of ways to limit spending this Christmas.

The most popular way was to minimise travel to save on petrol and other travel costs such as rail, chosen by 26 per cent of respondents.

Almost a quarter of households (24 per cent) have set a strict spending limit for Christmas.

Other popular cash savers include doing home-made gifts, chosen by 22 per cent of respondents, switching to cheaper secret Santa presents (22 per cent), and not using wrapping paper or seeking cheaper alternatives such as old newspapers (23 per cent),

One in five households (21 per cent) will ask guests to make a contribution to the cost of Christmas dinner.

Almost one in five (18 per cent) of those polled are working extra hours to save up for Christmas, and 17 per cent have taken a second job.

One in six shoppers (17 per cent) are buying second hand presents, and 15 per cent are not bothering with Christmas cards.