ENORMOUS proposals for new homes and a hotel in Warrington town centre have been approved.

The scheme will see 550 homes and a 160-bed hotel built on the corner of Tanners Lane and Winwick Street on land currently used for a car wash and car park.

There could also be office spaces and shops as well as public open spaces and car parking.

The scheme could be 12-storeys high in parts, although this is significantly down from 25 turned down back in 2020.

Demetrius Limited’s planning application for for the land was approved by the development management committee at its meeting on Thursday.

This application if for outline planning permission, with full approval sought for access only. Matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping are reserved for determination at a later date.

The scheme proposes the demolition of existing structures and the erection of a mixed-use development comprising four blocks of up to 12 storeys to accommodate up to 550 residential dwellings, a 160-bed hotel and 3,000 sq m of commercial/office/retail floorspace with associated access, public realm works, parking, servicing and landscaping.

A decision on the application was deferred at a meeting in August 2020 to enable further discussions to take place in relation to the building heights proposed and the provision of affordable housing.

The highest element of the scheme has been reduced from a maximum of 25 storeys to a maximum of 12.

The land is currently a car wash

The land is currently a car wash

A report to the committee says: “The application would necessitate the demolition/removal of existing buildings/structures on the site including the retail premises to the south of the site adjacent to the Kings Head public house, the car wash to the north of the site and two structures associated with the existing car park.

“Appearance is reserved for determination at a later date but given the importance of the site within the town centre and the relationship to two conservation areas and a number of listed buildings the use of high quality materials will be essential.”

The report also states that the development would make an important contribution to increasing the council’s supply of housing land.

The application is recommended for approval subject to the conditions and a S106 obligation.

The planning obligation would include a minimum of 10 per cent affordable housing – but this would be subject to a ‘review mechanism’, which could enable a greater percentage to be provided, up to 20 per cent, if the scheme’s 'viability improves during the course of the development'.

There would also be £207 per residential unit to support the council’s town centre travel plan and its associated initiatives, as well as an employment scheme.