AN enthusiastic and dedicated student from Warrington has been chosen to act as a ‘voice’ for the young population of students in the UK.

Dillon Hillary was selected out of hundreds of applicants to be one of 12 young students on a panel, representing the voice, opinions and observations of young people across the country.

The Warrington & Vale Royal College student jumped at the chance to be on the Further Education (FE) Youth Collective panel and applied for the role as soon as he caught wind of the initiative.

The panel will act as a ‘collective voice’ and will be crucial in helping educational institutions make balanced and fair decisions regarding further education.

Dillon, the diversity & equality representative at the college, is keen to make a difference for all his fellow students and hopes to help these causes that he has already shown dedication to.

“I knew I wanted to be a part of this fantastic opportunity. I love college and I want all students to feel as confident and supported in further education as I am.

“Now to I have been appointed, I can’t wait to get started.”

The college’s Student Engagement Officer, Courteney Ford, was delighted when Dillon received his appointment to the group, insisting he is ‘perfect’ for the role. She said:

“I couldn’t be happier for Dillon. Whatever he does within the college, he always impresses me with his enthusiasm and dedication.

“Now, he gets to make a difference at a national level, and I am sure he will do a fantastic job!”

The first meeting will be held in Burton upon Trent later this month.