WARRINGTON Open Doors at Christmas (WODAC) has kicked off its festive season with a £750 donation from a local golf club.

Thelwall & Grappenhall Golf Society each year raise funds for a 'Captain’s Charity' and this year selected WODAC, a local charity intended to combat loneliness and homelessness over the Christmas period.

WODAC was formed in 1991 in response to concerns over homelessness and isolation in the Warrington area, with them noticing how it spiked particularly between Christmas and new year.

The charity is entirely volunteer-led, and help to offer refreshments, meals, toiletries, social activities, and a chance to make friends for those lonely around Christmas.

They also provide our guests with food parcels and good quality warm clothing such as hats and gloves, however, reiterate that homelessness is not a requirement to come down.

Thelwall and Grappenhall Golf Society captain Darren Smith said: “A good friend of mine volunteered [for WODAC] in 2021 and said that she was amazed at how much good they achieve.

"When I investigated it, I felt that as we are a Warrington based golf society, if we are to have a charity then it would be good to support a local one. It really is tremendous what WODAC do.”

WODAC treasurer Michael Ruck said of the donation “This will go a long way in helping us reach our target, as I am sure everyone understands the cost-of-living increase has and will affected WODAC like everyone else.

"Not only does the cost of our groceries increase, the need for WODAC becomes more apparent.

"Attending guests and food parcel requests have increased in recent years and it’s really important that the people of Warrington know we are open between Christmas and New Year, and we are here to help in any way we can.”

WODAC is based out of St John United Reform Church Hall on Wilderspool Causeway, and will be open between December 25 and January 1, 10am-4pm.