THE first weekend of Cheshire Police’s crackdown on crime at Christmas saw 182 people arrested for offences including, assault, drunk and disorderly, drink driving, stalking, and domestic abuse.

The force says it is issuing a clear warning to anyone thinking of committing crime or causing harm across the county over the festive period that officers will take action.

A month-long operation will see officers targeting perpetrators of anti-social behaviour, violence against women and girls, domestic abuse and drink and drug driving.

The operation is particularly focussing on night-time economy hot spot areas, especially Warrington, the force says, with high impact and high visibility policing.

The campaign will show the public a possible two options on how they can spend their Christmas – either having a good time celebrating with family and friends, or a lonely one locked up and spent with officers – leaving them with the choice on how they are going to spend theirs.

The takeaway message is that if you choose to commit crime or cause harm in Cheshire, you will be made to face the consequences of your actions.

CSI Peter Crowcroft said: “We want people to have a great Christmas with friends and family, but we absolutely will not stand for anyone intent on causing harm in our communities and ruining it for everyone else – and having too much alcohol is not an excuse for unacceptable behaviour.

“We want people to see our campaign and make the right choice. If you behave safely and responsibly, you can have a great Christmas.

“However, if you choose to commit crime – even after we have warned you on the consequences of doing so – then you will have no-one to blame but yourself.

Warrington Guardian:

“It is not ok for good people to suffer at the hands of criminals, especially at Christmas, and there is no place in Cheshire for people to commit crime and cause harm.”

There will be extra measures put in place across Cheshire to help keep people safe, including partnership safety buses to provide support to those who feel vulnerable or need assistance.

CSI Crowcroft, added: “I want to reassure people that we remain resolute in our pursuit of those who believe they are above the law, and we will make sure they are held accountable for the crimes they have committed, and the harm they have caused.

“Our streets are safe, our roads are safe, our night-time economy is safe – until someone makes it not safe.

“This is not something we are going to accept in Cheshire, and we will do all we can to prevent and disrupt crime occurring in the county.”

Chief Constable Mark Roberts commented: “Cheshire is not the place to carry out criminal behaviour.

“We will not stand for it, and we do our utmost to arrest and prosecute those intent on creating misery and upset for others, especially at Christmas.

“We have officers out and about across the festive period, and many more supporting behind the scenes to ensure that the good people of Cheshire can have an enjoyable and safe time celebrating. 

“We also have many officers working in our custody suites, so to those that are intent on committing crime, we very much look forward to welcoming you into our cells this Christmas.”